If only the truth WAS what most people say, that we could live without war. If everyone cooperated, yes, we could live without it. But the sad, ironic, hostile truth is, there will always be war. War. What an ugly word. It means suffering, hurting. It means fear and anger. War. This world is filled with it. Intertribal distrust in Africa.. Religious civil wars in the MidEast.. Even here, in America, a political war rages on. It tears people apart, figuratively and literally. Acts of terrorism shake the world to its core. Massive killings rip people's emotions apart. There will always be war. Always. It hurts. There will always be people who oppose other nations. Terrorists, free motive groups, or just protesters. These people take no reasoning. Always. Even in the midst of all this dismal gloom, in the smoky fog of war, a single soldier's heart will beat for the name of justice. These soldiers are my heroes. They know they may be killed. They know that it's tough out there. Snipers, anti-personnel mines, tanks, machine-gun nests, sometimes, even nuclear strikes. No problem. For them, it's their duty to stand up and fight for the freedom of their community, their country, their world. War. Acts of cowardly terrorism. And acts of justice. All of these things mingle together in every drop of blood spilled. War. WAr. War. It's ugly, ugly. But, when Christ Jesus, the Lord of Lords, Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counselor, returns once again to this old forsaken earth, it WILL end. War, and ultimately, evil, will cease to exist. And we can free our tired, weary souls from this heartbreaking earth into God's holy, loving hands. Forever.